Happy Birthday Graycen! | Family

The baby girl turned 14 this month (this past weekend, actually). 14. Every momma says it, but it goes by so fast. You see it most poignantly in your oldest and youngest. Milestones start happening fast and furious and they feel a little foggy. Like, as soon as you can focus on what is happening it’s almost over. Enjoy it. Learn continuously. Document it.

Baby Graycen

Graycen came to our family as a diva princess. That’s what I always said anyway. After all, I had raised two girls and she was not like either one of them. She came with eyelashes that reached to the sky, and soft almost-white ringlets. She was loud, but she was a charmer – and still is. Everyone loves Graycen. She smiles easily, wants to be grown, and loves sparkly, pretty things. She’s a girly girl. She is good at everything she does. It’s weird, I didn’t think about the baby being a high achiever, but Graycen has done well in everything we’ve thrown at her – school, piano, art, volleyball – exceptionally well. She’s sassy and a little sneaky. You can’t have it all you know.

And now, she enters highschool next year. Blows. My. Mind. I will be anxiously watching to see what this girl does. Whatever it is, it will be worth watching. We will be cheering you on Baby Girl.

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