They say that rain is good luck on your wedding day. Sydney and Daniel, along with the wonderful management at Three Oaks Barn, spent their wedding day dodging rain clouds, so they should be good to go! Personally, I think with or without rain their future looks “happily ever after.” Sydney and Daniel are the […]
Hey Guys! Every once in a while I want to share a Family session of the Cottage, so I’m dubbing today Family Friday. Sometimes I get a little bogged down with the getting it done part of this business, but I really want to share all the adorableness I get to see! It’s not fair […]
About 7 years ago I was asked to attend a fellow homeschool mom’s 7th birth and take pictures for her so she and her husband could focus on welcoming their sweet baby girl but still have it documented for them. I was instantly smitten with birth photography and started drinking up everything I could about […]